In late January 2003, a new server, the virus began to spread in the network. As many computer does not have proper precautionary measures, a number of important large-scale computer system eventually paralysis. Bank of America ATM machine can not use the 911 service centers in Seattle was interrupted, Continental Airlines booking system paralyzed, some flights were canceled.
Slammer virus a great impact on South Korea, many bars and cafes to provide Internet services to flow sharply.
This network is the culprit storm SQL Slammer, also known as Sapphire virus. In the software patches and virus by killing before the appearance of this virus has caused 10 billion dollars in losses [Data: Lemos]. Sapphire process of very rapid spread of the virus. The first server in minutes after infection, virus replication in a short time began to multiply. 15 minutes later, the importance of the server line, half are infected [Data: Boutin].
Slammer virus left us a profound lesson, timely patching and upgrading anti-virus software is not enough, hackers will use any loophole they can find to attack, especially those unknown vulnerabilities. Good anti-virus before the poisoning is very important work, while the backup job in a timely manner to prevent the worst situation is also essential.
Time to solve the problem
Some hacker program lurking in the poisoning of the computer until a specific time before the outbreak. Here are some of the virus triggered at a specific time.
"Jerusalem" virus only 13 days to trigger this every Friday, the victim's computer data sabotage.
"Michelangelo" virus in March 6, 1992 broke out, Michelangelo, I was born March 6, 1475.
" Chernobyl "virus outbreak on April 26, 1999, the day is the 13th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear leakage.