Melissa virus outbreak after one year, the Philippines, the emergence of a new virus. And Melissa difference is that there is this worm, the independent self-replication process. The virus name is "I love you (ILOVEYOU)".
And Melissa similar to the original Love Bug virus is spread through the mail. Title usually indicate that this is an admirer of the confession from your letter. Mail attachment is the culprit. This worm file originally called LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs. Suffix name vbS that hackers are using the VB script program written in this [information: McAfee].
According to antivirus vendor McAfee's report, Love Bug virus attack means the following:
It will self-replicate, each partition on the hard disk has a hidden backup.
It will be inside the user's registry to add new content.
Self-replication, and then automatically replace some files.
By e-mail and chat client communication
Automatically download a file called WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE the patch, this patch will steal private information and send it to hackers.
In the end who created the virus? Many people suspected that the Philippines O'Neill . Di . Guzman. At that time the Philippines do not have a computer failure related laws, the theft of the name only summoned Di . Guzman. Guzman did not admit or deny allegations about the virus and ultimately the lack of conclusive evidence, authorities were forced to release Guzman. According to media estimates, Love Bug virus caused the loss of about 10 billion U.S. dollars.
Guard against "crying wolf"
That viruses, worms and Trojan horses are not only two, we also need to guard against hoax virus. They are not true viruses, they do not self-replicate, or on the computer any harm. Virus creators just wanted to get their real ones. Even so we can not take it lightly, like "crying wolf" story, we may overlook because of the real virus hoax virus.