Code Red (Code Red) and the Code Red Ⅱ appeared in the summer of 2001. This use of the two worms are in the Windows 2000 and Windows NT operating system in the presence of a loophole, that is buffer overflow vulnerability Dang system cache device Jieshou Daochaoguota Chuli range of Data, the data adjacent to the Cunchu overflow Fugai unit, so that other programs can not operate normally or even cause system crashes.
Carnegie . atrazine University's Computer Emergency treatment center alerting the public to the dangers of the Code Red Virus
The original Code Red worm using distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) attacks on the White House website. In other words, all the Code Red virus infected the computer will be connected at the same time, the White House Web site, overloading the server, the site crashes.
Windows 2000 systems installed in the Code Red computer if Ⅱ, machine will become a "chicken." Worm will set up back doors in the system, allowing remote users to login and control. Term is the system control computer for the computer owner, this is sad news. Dissemination of the virus can be exploited to obtain some information on the victim's computer, or even use this computer for criminal activities. Not only for victims of paralysis to worry about the computer, there may be others as a scapegoat.
Although Windows NT is more vulnerable to Code Red's infection, but the virus in these machines is not very serious harm. Using the Windows NT network servers can often crash after poisoning, but does not produce other hazards. Compared with Windows 2000 users, this is actually nothing.
Microsoft then released patch fixes in Windows 2000 and Windows NT security holes, thus, the virus is no longer rampant. But the patch does not remove computer viruses, which requires users to deal with their own.
How should we do?
Found that computer poisoning, you should be how? This requires, as the case may be. Many anti-virus software will automatically delete the virus. Some virus will destroy your data or information, then the need to restore the backup. Regular backup of the system is very important. The Code Red, the format and then restore the backup computer is a good way. Some viruses will install malicious software on your computer, only this time anti-virus scanning is not enough.