Spring of 1998, David • L • Smith (David L. Smith) in the macro using Word software, a computer virus preparation operations, the virus can spread through the
mail. Smith called it Melissa (Melissa), Florida, the name of a dancer [source: CNN].
Melissa virus usually transmitted by mail, usually the title of the message, "This is for your information, do not let anyone see." Once the recipient opens
the message, the virus automatically to the user address book 50 friends copy before sending the same message.
Smith put it on the network after the virus began to spread rapidly. FBI report to Congress, Melissa on the part of the Government and the private sector
network devastating blow to the federal government attaches great importance to this [data: FBI]. E-mail traffic surge forced many companies to stop the mail
service until the virus under control to re-open.
After a long trial, Smith was betrayed for 20 months in prison, while liable to a fine of five thousand U.S. dollars. In addition, without court permission,
Smith may not use the network [Data: BBC]. Melissa Although there is no cause great harm to society, but it is the first cause of concern for society